About CranialSacral

Cranialsacral works with a person's central nervous system using light touch and often oscillating movements bringing them into a lucid dream like state. Craniosacral often provides deep sense of relaxation and release of stress for the client.

A brief history:

Cranialsacral was developed by Doctor of Osteopathy (DO) William Garner Sutherland (1873–1954), who was a student of the founder of Osteopathic Medicine; Andrew Taylor Stills (1828-1917).

Osteopathic Medicine believes in the inherent health and healing ability of the body and looks at the body as a whole.

In the 1970’s seeing craniosacral being pushed out of Osteopathic practices John Upledger a doctore of Osteopathy brought biomachanical craniosacral to bodyworkers. Franklyn Sills (b. 1947) further developed biodynamic principals of craniosacral in the 1980’s and 90’s.

Description of Treatment:

Craniosacral practitioners work with what we call the Breath of Life. The first breath is the fluid rhythm of the body that creates life. And is developed in-utero before the baby is born and breathes it’s second breath of air. All of our cells in our body are alive and humming with energy this energy creates movement patterns called motility, when trauma’s happen (which they do! for all of us) it can shift these natural patterns and create what we call inert fulcrums. Instead of a natural fulcrum point of organization, the trauma (emotional or physical) reorganizes the natural movement of cells and fluid pathways that are now organizing around this new center point which was a result of the trauma and takes extra energy from the body to sustain. The more inert fulcrums that are created the less bandwidth someone has because the flow of energy has been blocked and or diverted, your body is doing extra work in other terms. Craniosacral through biomechanical and biodynamic techniques allows the body to release these patterns and restore the body to it’s natural health and energy levels.

BioMechanical approach incorporates more direct intervention from the practitioner. This can include but is not limited too: cranial bone decompression, intra-oral (within the mouth) releases, fascia release, neruo fascia release, visceral (organ) release and much more.

Biodynamic approach uses different cranio rhythms of the body to allow for the body to release on it’s own pace without the practitioner intervening but through the practitioner being a container for the client, listening and witnessing. This approach is especially restorative and recommended for people coming who have a history of severe abuse, chronic debilitating illness or in hospice. Once a nervous system is healthier, more intervening treatment options can be available with greater health and trust established.

As a certified craniosacral practitioner I have been trained in both approaches. And use a mix of each in the session depending on the clients health history and goal for the session.

Cranialsacral is recommenced for:

  • Concussions

  • Nerve pain

  • Nerve disorders

  • Mood disorders such as depression and anxiety

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

  • Headaches

  • Neck and back pain

  • Stress Relief

  • To improve mental clarity

  • Increase energy

  • Sinus problem

  • TMJ dysfunction

and much more…

A lot of people express a deep sense of grounding after the session or even a sense of cultivating of spirit. Craniosacral is not for everyone, just like not everyone likes a certain type of massage. But for those that it is for, it feels like a crisp drink of water on a hot summers day…. like magical relief.